Welcome to the Shark CNC Family. The following links are a few helpful articles, videos, and digital manuals to make your startup trouble-free.
Assembly and Maintenance Video Series
**V-Carve Design Software- **
To help maximize your creative potential when using a SHARK CNC, we’ve partnered with the experts at Vectric, makers of the VCarve software. For design support and training with VCarve, visit www.vectric.com and click on the Support Tab for information and video tutorials. You can also email your VCarve questions to support@vectric.com.
Vectric has over 50 plus hours of tutorial videos designed to walk a user through creating a project using the different toolpaths and techniques available in the Vcarve/Aspire software. Vectric's online manual can also be accessed from the Vcarve/Aspire program by selecting Help, then Help Contents.
Vcarve Registration Video tutorial Link
**Getting Started with the CNC **
LCD Pendant/ Machine Registration
Ready2Control - Install and Register
Getting Started with the machine
**Safety -**
Installing a spoilboard will go a long way in making sure your cuts are clean and level. A spoilboard is a removable work surface mounted to the top of the router table which protects the table from damage as the router bits cut in and through the material. Once installed the spoilboard will need to be surfaced using a Spoilboard cutter or Endmill to make the surface flat and parallel to the X and Y travel. It is generally a good idea to resurface (bottom clean) often as the spoilboard surface may become uneven over time and clean up any gouges or cuts.
**Maintenance -**
Daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance of your CNC Shark machine is required to keep it operating at its peak performance. Please see the links below for information about your specific Shark series machine and cleaning and lubrication steps.
How to do the Maintenance on your SHARK CNC Video
HD5xx Series Lubrication Guide
Lubrication Instructions - SD/Piranha, HD4 and before
**Firmware -**
Firmware updates for the Next Wave CNC Controller and LCD Pendant, SD100 Controller, and Ready2Laser (Moray) are currently processed through the Ready2Update - Firmware software available free for download after creating a Next Wave Portal account. (Link Here)
**AC Wires and Vacuums - **
Do not attach your electrical wires to the stepper motor wires. they can cause random movement in your axis.
Do not attach vacuum hoses to the carriage, this can cause strain on the stepper motors and axis movement. Hang any vacuum hoses from your ceiling so there is no additional strain to the carriage. If you live in a high static area it is a good idea to run a grounding wire through your vacuum line.
**Additional Help - **
If at any time you have CNC issues, we will be happy to help you. We have staff available Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST and can be contacted at support@nextwavecnc.com.
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