The second crucial step after installing the spoilboard onto the Shark CNC machine is to surface it to guarantee that the router is level with the clamping surface. To simplify this process, the following links provide project files created specifically for a basic surfacing pass and a 1-inch grid pattern for the Shark CNC machines. These files come preconfigured with the appropriate feeds and speeds compatible with both the Shark CNC machines and the Next Wave CNC Spoilboard kits.
Toolpath .tap files:
The "*machine name*-spoilboard.tap" file utilizes a 1-inch surfacing bit and is zeroed to the BOTTOM LEFT corner and to the MATERIAL SURFACE. This file will cut a border around the Shark CNC machine's engraving area, then surface the engraving area.
The "*machine name* - 1 inch Grid.tap" file utilizes a 90.0° - 1/2" V-bit to create a 1-inch grid pattern in the engraving area of the Shark CNC machine. Like the surfacing toolpath, this file is zeroed to the BOTTOM LEFT corner and to the MATERIAL SURFACE.
Vcarve .crv Project:
Access to V-Carve 11.0 with updates is necessary to open "machine name.crv." Once opened, you can modify the tools and adjust the settings to match your machine, material, and bits. However, it's crucial to recalculate all toolpaths and save new (.tap) files with the correct post-processor if any changes are made.
Surfacing and grid pattern files:
SD110 Spoilboard Surfacing and Grid pattern files
SD120 Spoilboard Surfacing and Grid pattern files
HD500 Spoilboard Surfacing and Grid pattern files
HD510 Spoilboard Surfacing and Grid pattern files
HD520 Spoilboard Surfacing and Grid pattern files
Additional Resources:
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