Attached to this article are two files that will test the Next Wave Laser accessories. If the laser fires successfully, this will indicate the system is set up correctly and the laser electronics are working.
Please follow these steps using the LCD Pendant:
1. Save the attached Laser Circle Test.tap file that corresponds with your laser to a USB Flash drive
a. “2W Laser Circle Test.tap” - is designed for the 2W Laser Accessory
b. “7W Laser Circle Test.tap” - is designed for the 7W Laser Accessory
2. Power the CNC system on
3. Affix a scrap piece of material or a piece of cardboard measuring at least 6" x 6" onto the deck of the unit
4. Plug the flash drive into the LCD pendant of the system
5. Jog the laser head to the center of the test material
6. Use the Z- jog button to carefully lower the laser toward the material until the white laser collar touches the surface of the material
7. Press 'Zero XYZ' (Press OK to confirm the change)
8. Tap the Z part coordinate numbers. A keypad will display on the screen
9. Enter '0.1'
10. Press 'Move'
11. Press 'Zero XYZ' (Press OK to confirm the change)
12. Select 'USB'
13. Select “2W Laser Circle Test.tap” or “7W Laser Circle Test.tap”
14. Press 'Start'
The laser will travel around the test material and will burn four circles. If the laser test is successful, please see the next article, Adding the Laser as a tool in Vcarve to continue setting up your Next Wave Laser accessory.
If you have any questions, or if you do not see a blue laser light, please contact Technical Support.