When the HD control box is powered on, the LCD pendant should light up and display a grey 'Continue' button.
If the grey 'Continue' button is unresponsive when tapped or pushed and does not turn a darker shade of grey, a couple of things will need to be checked.
1. Double-check to ensure there is no touch plate or digitizing probe cable plugged into the front of the control box or the side of the pendant before powering on the control box.
2. If there is a touch plate or digitizing probe cable plugged into the front of the control box or the side of the pendant, power off the control box.
3. Unplug the touch plate or digitizing probe cable from the front of the control box or the side of the pendant.
4. Now, place your finger or thumb on the surface of the pendant touchscreen and apply a little pressure while powering the control box back on.
5. When the pendant lights up, it should read 'Performing touch screen calibration. Touch screen to continue'.
6. Touch or tap the screen and a new screen should display with prompts to touch the center of each dot as they appear in each of the (4) corners.
7. The next screen should prompt you to touch the screen to continue or repeat the process.
8. After touching the screen, it should display the 'Continue' screen again.
9. If the 'Continue' button is still unresponsive, step through the walk-through links below.
If the pendant still will not proceed past the 'Continue' screen after walking through these steps, contact Next Wave support.